Welcome to the VW Camper Interior Homepage
Having recently had my 1971 VW Bay Window Camper Van refurbished I made this website to help others find information relating to all aspects of building or refurbishing your classic VW camper interior.
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Including such topics as VW camper van furniture suppliers and VW camper interior plans, VW camper van roof suppliers and fitters , VW camper van interior electrical information and suppliers, VW camper van curtain and upholstery suppliers and plans.
Anyone who has any information that will help other Volkswagen camper van enthusiasts refurbish their VW camper interiors please feel free to contact me with the details. You may notice that the site is biased towards the Volkswagen Camper but all are welcome and owners of other vehicles may find much of the information is relevant to them too.
I am building a photo gallery of VW camper van interiors so that readers can see what different interiors look like. If you have any good quality photos of your Volkswagen camper interior and you don’t mind them being published on the website please e-mail them to me.
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